It's the irregularly updated, ''What's Kevbo up to?'' type of thing for friends, family and select strangers. Enjoy... or don't. See the very first post of 03/02/02 for a few more introductory words.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Computer Help and Support from Hardware HellOne of the most useful sites on the web. I've spoken to the pope and Trish is up for canonization for all the headaches she's cured through her collected documents and links.
Is your Mac acting like a Granny Smith? Is your Windows XPeeing all over the place? Click away at this site. Sorry... no cure here for impotence, baldness or lice.

I've checked.
'Tabletop' Fusion Is anyone else but me spooked by the use of the terms 'tabletop,' 'coffee cups' and 'fusion' all in one report?
This makes it sound like something you'd accidentally achieve by putting your coffee maker too close to your toaster or microwave. "Oops. Honey, I hope you like your hydrogen fused. I left it in too long."
I think, just like with Dean Kamen's overhyped nearly unusable in the real world scooter, that you can go to and have them notify you when the Mr. Fusion becomes available. I'm going to be a holdout and wait for the milk frothing attachment and super collider add-on.

Monday, March 04, 2002

Now Hiring Spies: Funny, I don't remember any of these guys at my high school's career fair. Hmm.
It does seem to be a chance for all of us liberal arts majors to finally move out from behind the counter of Carl's House of Burgers "Home of the Meat" and meet/kill foreigners.
These career seekers worry about clearance... at my workplace we hope for free tickets to events and free samples.
On the flip side... does "Suicide Bomber" show up as a recommended career choice on a Kuder Preference Record test in the Middle East? Maybe they take the Al-Kuder test... "It says I should be either a beautician at a mortuary or suicide bomber. Decisions, decisions."
NASA Contacts Pioneer 10 Spacecraft That is cool! But I found a followup that indicated that the Pioneer 10 called back collect and didn't use 1-800-COLLECT. The horror... the horror.

Sunday, March 03, 2002

Norah Jones Music One of the next great jazz chanteuses? (Is that a word?) I've just learned about and listened to something Entertainment Weekly describes as the "jazz/folk/pop/country/cabaret" style of Norah Jones. That's her website linked above. Curiously, her father is Ravi Shankar but his absence from her life is evident in her music... there's no droning ragas or pointless sitar injections to worry about. Of course if you don't like the whole jazz scene, dislike Diana Krall or her predecessors, she won't be for you. But I hear quite a bit of talent on the tracks you can hear streaming from her site. In spots, she reminds me of the underexposed Tom Waits. I'll go on about Tom Waits, definitely an acquired taste, at a later date. Go Norah... girl power and all that.
Oh yeah, she's a hotty too.
This place sucks!: I'm going to dress this site up with pics and links eventually. I'll likely steal somebody else's code and mutate it. I need to improve my HTML skills to better my maintenance of the archive server I have setup at work. I also hope to move this site to my own RoadRunner homepage but we'll see.
You'll notice I'm putting relevant links at the start of posts. Consider them my gift to you. Aren't I generous? I love giving away free things.
In the future, I'll likely be making posts only for the sake of sharing great or curious links from my weighty collection when I have nothing personal to share.